Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Guy

Blog world, meet Justin. This is my guy. My missionary. He's serving a few thousand km's away from me. But I still love him as much as (or maybe more than) I did when he left nearly four months ago. I think Mary Wells says it best: "I'm tellin' you from the start, I can't be torn apart from my guy". Here's hoping the next twenty months go by very quickly so I can see this handsome face again. 


Laura Dunford said...

Hahah all I could think when I read Meet Justin was "havent we already met him." I think we all knwo you are madly in love with this nice boy and I am still glad to say I third wheeled you guys at EFY for a whole 5 minutes to the banquet. I was front row when the magic began. Wooooooooooooo

Kristi Beth said...

Ha ha. Yeah, I thought that after I wrote it. But, I've never done an official "meet Justin". Plus, I couldn't think of anything else to write last night.