Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cake pops

I love to bake. A lot. And I am dying to try my hand at making some 'cake pops', but I'm a little nervous. Friends, have you tried to make them? If so, please send your advice my way!

Delicious, right?


juliane2004 said...

Oh wow those look good!

Mandy said...

I did make these and they didn't turn out too well. I thought I could do them on my own, but clearly NOT! If she has directions on how to make them, follow them. I just made cake and thought I could "roll" peices of it into the round didn't work. They were totally edible though. They just didn't 'look' nice like the ones in the photos. Good luck...I'm sure you'll do better than me because you have a Mom that is an amazing baker and she can probably give you tips or help.

Amber said...

I've made them and they are a lot of fun! I just made a cake - mixed it with some icing. Made it into balls and then stuck them in the fridge for a while so they got firm. Then you dip them in chocolate. I used baking chocolate and was fine but you can get chocolate from michaels that works great too. Good luck!

Kristi Beth said...

Thank you for the tips, ladies! My mom found a video tutorial online, so we are going to try them soon. I'll report back on my progress!