Wednesday, May 19, 2010

All About Me

Today, I thought I would share a little bit about myself. Here are a few things you may not know about me.

1. I am a list girl. I make lists for everything! Everything. What to buy. What to pack for a trip. Movies to watch. Names of my future children. You name it, I've made a list for it.
2. When I first started university almost three years ago, I planned to become a writer. Having a novel published has always been on my 'bucket-list' and I really hope to cross that off one day. I would still love to become a writer, but we'll see. Ideally, I would live in New York and work for a fashion magazine. A girl can dream, right?
3. I have watched every single episode of Gilmore Girls at least three times. Season three has been watched a few more times than that. And even though I have watched every episode so many times, I still love it. I have even been known to finish a whole season (20-24 episodes) within a weekend. Funny story, one Christmas, my sister and I both made shirts with a quote from the show for each other.
4. I have always dreamed of owning my own clothing boutique -- something super unique with one of a kind pieces. And lately, I've been thinking of doing a boutique/bakery. (Mom gave me the idea for that one).
5. I was going to say for another point that I have lived in the same city all my life, and then I realized that that isn't completely true. When I was two, I lived with my family in Phoenix for two months while my dad was going to school. I don't remember it though.
6. I love to clean -- but only when it's my decision and I have time to devote the energy to it.
7. I have always had an obsession with Europe. I think London was my first love -- even though I've never been there. My new European love is Italy. Talking about Italy in my Art History class last semester made my heart hurt because I wanted to be there so badly! One day.
8. Since I was about seven years old, I have wanted glasses. But, despite the fact that everyone in my family needs glasses I have been blessed (or cursed) with perfect vision, probably thanks to the huge amount of carrots I ate as a child. However, a lack of need for percription glasses has not stopped me from owning a few pairs of glasses. I love it when people ask when I got glasses or comment that they've never seen me wear my glasses and assume I wear contacts. Funny.
9. I read magazines back to front.
10. I am probably one of the most indecisive people you know. Take me to a restaurant and it will take me at least ten minutes to decide what I want to eat. I've been searching for a new comforter for my bed, but I haven't bought one yet because I can't decide what I want. However, even though I can't decide about the simple things, the important things are definitely easy for me to commit to.

1 comment:

Laura Dunford said...

I am the same as you for number 1, 6, kind of 7 and 10. Jeremy wants to kill me sometimes for my indecisiveness. Hopefully Justin is more patient then Jeremy =)