Monday, December 27, 2010

Fashion Inspiration

Even though my hair has grown quite a bit in the last year, I am still aching for longer locks. Like the lovely Leighton Meester. That girl rocks the loose curl like none other.
I have my fingers crossed very tightly that my hair can be this long soon (like this time next year?)

p.s. I am off work for the next three days, so prepare yourselves for more blogging, friends. 


Laura Dunford said...

Why do you want long hair? so you can get MARRRRRRRIED and have long hair at this time next year? haha I'm just waiting for the day you get a ring on your finger. I'll be almost equally as excited as you will be KB. I love Leighton Meester by the way. Gossip Girl si such a guilty pleasure

Lynn said...

Good to see you at Work yesterday Kristi! That was fun. Hope we didn't bombard you too much. Enjoy your time off.