Thursday, September 15, 2011

Forget about the price tag...

It's a very sad thing that I am always so in love with the most expensive things. It seems that when it comes to fashion, my heart will only land on the items with the highest price tags. I don't know how it happens, but seriously, it's a problem. If you were to show me five pairs of shoes, I would unknowingly pick the most expensive ones.
This, I have decided, is why I must love Shabby Apple. It's not the most expensive shop, but it's also not the cheapest. I had planned to get a dress from there this summer, but it didn't happen. I'll need to save up my pennies to get one this winter. Or maybe I'll get one in the spring. I do prefer getting new dresses in the spring.
For now, I have plenty of new pretty things to keep my eyes and heart happy. Check out their new line, Academia. Being an academic myself, I am obviously head-over-heels-in-love.

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Which is your favourite?

1 comment:

juliette pouwer said...

ooh I like the darker dress though the hat is not working for me :D