Friday, August 03, 2012

Home is where the heart is

First, you may have noticed that I changed the address and title of this blog. I wanted it to reflect what my life is now -- what our life is now. Though I doubt Christopher will be adding much or anything to the blog, I wanted to make him feel included, so that is why I've changed the title to "Our Little Corner of the World". I will do my best to keep this blog up to date with our lives, but I promise not to overshare. I am not a fan of oversharing, and want to avoid that as much as possible.
This week, Christopher and I had fewer hours at work, so we were finally able to unpack everything and clean. It's so nice not having to walk around or over boxes just to get to some food, or to the computer. Finally, we have a home!
There are still a few areas that need a little work, but finally things are working.
Next on my list of things to figure out is meal planning so that our lives when we are back in school this fall will be easier.
And yes, I do still love being married. Best. Decision. Ever.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

It's so fun that you guys are married now!! Isn't it awesome?! After 5 1/2 years of being married I have some good tips on meal planning. It really does make all the difference. I HAVE to meal plan. It doesn't take too much time if you plan things out properly. I just totally re-vamped my meal planning and I'm LOVING it. Here's what I did:
1. I went through all my cookbooks, recipes on pinterest, and recipes from and picked out recipes we enjoy or thought we might enjoy.
2. I typed up a document with the name of the recipe, what page of the cookbook it's on, and the ingredients (minus things I always have like salt, flour, butter, etc.) (Warning; This IS time consuming but SO worth it!)
3. I made a template document with headings like "produce", "dairy", "frozen" and a little spot at the top that lists "Monday" "Tuesday" etc. for which dinners we are doing on which days
4. Then when I want to plan out a week's meals, I look through the list of recipes and pick ones we want for that week then COPY and PASTE the ingredients into the template for grocery shopping (put the ingredients in the right categories)
5. Then print the template and take it to the store! Then you can stick it on the fridge after (you can even just cut out the area with the M,T,W,Th) for a little menu!!
This probably makes no if you want more info, just let me know. lol. Anyways, this is something that worked well for me, but you should do whatever works for you.