It certainly did for me! Well, not so much sunshine, but snow and luck.
Yesterday, we had a ward temple trip yesterday. I am so happy that I was able to go to the temple. I always feel completely at home there.
My day would have been complete if I had left the temple with just that amazing feeling. But, it gets better. I left with a beautiful ring given to me by my very best friend, Christopher.
While the snow was blowing around us, Christopher asked me to marry him.
I've know that this would happen for quite some time, and thought I was completely prepared for that moment, but I wasn't. I said yes, but it's still so strange to think that I have a fiancé and I am going to have a husband and be a wife.
I am beyond excited for this next step in my life though, and am so excited to get started on the wedding plans. Well, actually not making the plans, but actually putting them into action. If you know me at all, or follow me on Pinterest, or have seen my stack of Martha Stewart Weddings magazines, then you know that I have been planning this wedding for quite a while.
Just moments before he popped the question.
He took Beyonce's advice and "put a ring on it".
A close up of the bling.
"I know that I am, I am, I am the luckiest."
- Ben Folds
Congrats, Kristi! The ring is beautiful!
Congratulations! I am SOOO excited for you! You should email me your email address and I'll add you to my blog (
When is this wedding happening? You look really happy!
Congrats Kristi! He sounds like a keeper :)
Have fun with the "continued" Wedding plans...
All the best!
Hey Kristi!
First I need to say CONGRATULATIONS!
Second....Candi may kill me for telling you.....but it's so cute. Anyway....Candi e-mailed me the second after you text'd her and told her. She said that she was on the bus on her way home from work and just about squealed out loud on the bus for you!!! lol. She was so happy to hear. So were we. Excited that is!
Third......I think St. Patrick's Day is a GOOD day to be "your day". Yours and Christopher's. Brother C and my day is Remembrance Day - and my parents engagement day is Ground Hog Day. HA ha! So's to your engagement on St. Patrick's day! That's a really HAppY and FuN DaY!! ; )
Yay!! I was hoping I'd come on here and there would be THIS blog post! Congrats and I am excited to see everything come together... perhaps its time to get back onto blogging regularly and post all your lovely ideas and plans!!
Love ya!!
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