Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hello Again

Wow. It has been a while.
I believe this has been my longest hiatus yet. I remember the days when a day without posting on this blog was like a day without food -- I felt very incomplete. Lately, I have been filling my life with so many other things that posting on the blog has been pushed to the bottom. To my dear friends who tell me to blog more, I apologize.
So, what has been occupying my time for the last two and a half months?
School. Lots and lots of school. This semester, I have really had to kick it up a few notches, so school has been taking top priority. And it's totally paying off! Who knew that going to all your classes and doing your weekly readings could help out so much?
Christopher. Christopher and I are still very happy together and enjoying our time together. We recently celebrated eight months together (it seems like nothing, but feels like much longer). That boy sure knows how to keep a smile on my face. I am certainly the very luckiest.
Family. I have been able to spend more time with my dear family. I have been relying more on my parents than I did when I first moved away from home. I am so blessed to have good parents that will do whatever they can for me - whether it's picking me up from the store after a big grocery trip, proofreading my papers, or sending me a text to let me know they care. My brother has also been spending more time in Calgary, which has been so great. I have also been able to spend some time with my sister and brother-in-law and my favourite little nephew. Joey is just the best little boy. He is six and half months and growing and growing.
Yoga. This semester, I decided to try out the free yoga classes that are offered at the university during the lunch hour. It has been amazing. I have not felt as good as I do now for quite some time. Not only is yoga a great workout (trust me, I sweat!), but it gives me a lot of time for self reflection and allows me to relieve some of the stress that I am feeling.
Life is good. I love it. Of course, it still comes with its challenges and there are always things I would like to change, but I am happy with it.

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