Sunday, November 14, 2010


It's funny how the small things in life can seep into your dreams at night. I find that I often dream about a song I was recently listening to, or a book I'm reading, or a TV show I was recently watching. I guess that is normal, but for me, the unusual happens with the context.
For example, last night (or this morning), I was dreaming about Voldemort -- I mean He Who Must Not Be Named -- being in my school. I'm not sure if it was my high school or if we were at Hogwarts, but Voldemort was there. I was terrified the entire time, but knew in a way what was happening, because in my dream mind (do you have one of those too?) I knew that after a while, Voldemort would get angry and leave. It was a very strange dream, and as I told the bits I remembered to a friend this morning, I realized how silly it was.
My brain is certainly a funny place.

I don't particularly enjoy Voldemort, but I do enjoy these three. So they shall replace him in picture today. Only 5 more days until the movie is out! 
 I feel like my childhood is really coming to a close with the end of this brilliant series. 

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