1. Breakfast at Tiffany's. I am quite certain that you have not live until you have seen this one. Amazing.
2. Ferris Bueller's Day Off. When I was fifteen, I watched Ferris Bueller pretty much every day for an entire summer. I still love it and have a tradition of watching it on my birthday every year. See you in seventeen days, Mr. Broderick!
3. 10 Things I Hate About You. Whenever I need a movie to watch, but can't decide on what to watch, this is my go-to movie. I love it. However, I am pretty horrified by the new TV show based on it. Why can't some people just let things be?
4. Funny Face. A musical. Audrey Hepburn. Paris. Fashion. Need I say more?
5. Princess Bride. I don't remember the first time I had the pleasure of watching this one, but I know I was a little tot. I still thoroughly enjoy it, and definitely still close my eyes during the fire swamp scene. Also, the book is certainly worth a read!
6. Little Women (1949). Christopher Columbus! Another good read, but definitely a good see too. I do love the 1994 version as well (Christian Bale!), but my heart belongs to this version featuring the wonderful June Allyson.
7. The Little Mermaid. As a child, I had a crush on Eric (and sort of still do).
8. Edward Scissorhands. Most people either love this one, or were terrified of it as a child. Obviously, I am the former.
9. My Fair Lady. My heart leaps with joy when I think about this one. I love every single song, every single moment of this wonderful moment. Also, I want a study just like Professor Higgins. I am dying to have large bookcases that have the rolling ladders.
10. Beauty and the Beast. Speaking of wonderful score and beautiful library. I once told Justin that my dream is to have him surprise me with a library just like the Beast does for Belle. I wonder if he took that one seriously?
11. Toy Story. While animated movies are on the brain, here is another wonderful one. I remember going to see Toy Story in the theatre with my dad and siblings when I was six or seven. I liked it, but for some reason I remember thinking it was dorky to like it. Obviously this was long before I embraced my inner nerd. (By the way, 16 days until Toy Story 3 comes out!)
12. Rain Man. Dustin Hoffman is incredible! Despite the fact the Tom Cruise had to be in this one, I love it! But, I guess to be fair, it was before he went crazy, jumping on couches.
13. The Princess Diaries. Dorky to choose this one, maybe (but remember my comment in #11). I love innocent Anne Hathaway. I also love the makeover scene. And the fact that Robert Schwartzman of Rooney is in it. Heart flutter!
14. The Sound of Music. The hills are alive with the sound of music (ah ah ah ah..). When I was younger, I thought it was so long because it had the two tapes, but I still loved it -- and still do!
15. Big. Tom Hanks as a boy who just wants to be big. My love for New York City definitely grows each time I watch the scene in FAO Schwarz. I would love to own that piano.
16. Pretty in Pink. I love Duckie and hate James Spader.
17. Father of the Bride. Franck. Ah, Franck.
18. The Nightmare Before Christmas. Tim Burton definitely has an incredibly creative mind, however I do not want to have a "Being John Malchovich" experience there. I imagine his mind is a very frightening place.
19. Say Anything. The movie tagline is: "To know Lloyd Dobler is to love Lloyd Dobler..." I know Lloyd Dobler.
20. Sleepless in Seattle. You guessed it, I like Tom Hanks! I also love, love, love this movie.
21. A Knight's Tale. This is one of my absolute favourites. Justin and I actually consider this "our movie" and we will even write some of the quotes in our letters.
17. Father of the Bride. Franck. Ah, Franck.
18. The Nightmare Before Christmas. Tim Burton definitely has an incredibly creative mind, however I do not want to have a "Being John Malchovich" experience there. I imagine his mind is a very frightening place.
19. Say Anything. The movie tagline is: "To know Lloyd Dobler is to love Lloyd Dobler..." I know Lloyd Dobler.
20. Sleepless in Seattle. You guessed it, I like Tom Hanks! I also love, love, love this movie.
21. A Knight's Tale. This is one of my absolute favourites. Justin and I actually consider this "our movie" and we will even write some of the quotes in our letters.
My brother jokes that he will be naming his son WILLIAM!!!! (exclamation marks included) because I have already called dibs on the name William. He thinks that won't confuse the boys.
Do any of my movies make your list? If not, what's on your list?
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