Sunday, April 18, 2010

Numbered Days

Today is a very special day. Yes, being the Sabbath day makes it special, but there is something else that magnifies that significance. Remember a while ago, when we hit 100 days of Justin's mission? Well, that time has come again! We now have another hundred days behind us! I have survived 200 days! We are getting closer and closer. I am still feeling like seventeen and a half months is an overwhelmingly long time, but I am certainly feeling the time go by. Now, I just need to find something to keep myself busy so that the time will fly!
Only five more chunks of a hundred days (plus a bit), and I have a shoulder to rest my head on again.
post script: Thank you, friends for being such a great support these past six months. I know I have not been the easiest person to deal with (or live with -- thanks mom and dad!).

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