518 days and I get to make funny faces again with the man I love.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Time Running
It doesn't quite feel like yesterday that I said goodbye to my favourite guy (rhyme not intended), but it actually kind of feels like yesterday that we hit six months. And boom! We are at seven months! In some ways, that feels like an eternity already, and in others it feels like the road ahead is so long. But, just like Justin is continually reminding me, each day we are closer to being together again. Time is going by -- fast or slow, it is going. Hopefully these next few months go by very quickly! I would like it to be one year by now! Or even two years! But, I will wait.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Terrible Storm
I really wanted to wake up today to sunny skies and green grass. But, no. The wind from last night continued to howl into the wee hours of the morning, and the snow did not give up. Snow in April? So not ideal. I suppose the upside is that it melts much faster than it would in December (remember the snow that stayed for nearly three months?).
On the upside, I finally finished putting together a package for my missionary. In case you were unaware, packing tape is very loud! It's one of those objects whose noise is amplified when you are attempting to be quiet so as not to wake someone up (sorry if I woke you, mom!). I feel very productive and accomplished today. And, I get to enjoy the day off tomorrow. Laundry, organizing, hair cut (and possibly an Audrey movie) here I come!
Oh, and p.s. : how cute is this clutch from Charlotte Russe? I am kind of obsessed with rosette detailing this season. Love it!
On the upside, I finally finished putting together a package for my missionary. In case you were unaware, packing tape is very loud! It's one of those objects whose noise is amplified when you are attempting to be quiet so as not to wake someone up (sorry if I woke you, mom!). I feel very productive and accomplished today. And, I get to enjoy the day off tomorrow. Laundry, organizing, hair cut (and possibly an Audrey movie) here I come!
Oh, and p.s. : how cute is this clutch from Charlotte Russe? I am kind of obsessed with rosette detailing this season. Love it!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out
Lately, I have been in the mood to listen to The Smiths. All the time. Actually, it's like a craving. I get music cravings all the time -- a lot more than food cravings. I love The Smiths. Their songs are best listened to on a quiet afternoon, sitting on your bed with nothing to do. Their songs are the type that take you to another place, calm your nerves and put a smile on your face. Their songs are the kind with lyrics that stay in your head for days, playing over and over. (Think Zooey Deschanel in 500 Days of Summer in the elevator. You love them too, don't you?)
I love The Smiths. And Morrissey. Also, I love how often Jesse Lacey references them ("Mixtape" anyone?).

I love The Smiths. And Morrissey. Also, I love how often Jesse Lacey references them ("Mixtape" anyone?).
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
In the Waiting Line
That is the number of girls I know personally who are married or engaged who happen to be younger than me. It seems so weird that this is where my life is now. It seems odd that at twenty years old (twenty-one soon) I am feeling old -- like I am not moving on with my life like everyone around me is. Yes, this is silly. When I stop and think about it, I realize that I am very happy with my life. I am in love. I am actually happy that I have some time before I make a huge change in my life. I am lucky that I have some time to work on myself before he and I becomes "we". I have time to get my selfish nature out of my system and get my life in order so that I can be as happy as I possibly can be. Really, I don't envy other people that are getting married -- well I do, but only in the sense that I sometimes get impatient knowing what I want and can't have it (yet). Also, sometimes I think that its a little unfair when couples get married and they have known each other for less time than I have been dating Justin, it seems they should have to wait in line. But, as my mom tells me very often, life isn't fair. I know this. I just know that I am a very, very lucky girl. I have such a good life, and have a very good future ahead of me.For love like this, I can wait.
Monday, April 26, 2010
"Find me a find, catch me a catch"
On Saturday night, my stake had its second annual Relief Society "Spring Fling". This year, the theme was 'Showtunes'. I was pretty excited when I found out about it, and knew exactly what I wanted to do! "Matchmaker" from Fiddler on the Roof, and after a vote in our ward Relief Society, it was decided that we would do it! So, after a little work and struggling to all meet to practice, we finally pulled it together!
I had so much fun doing it. I kind of love performing, but get super nervous when I have to. Thankfully we were lip synching, so no one had to hear the nervous voice crack that would inevitably come out of my mouth.
Luckily, I didn't need a Yente to find me my perfect match. He may not be as rich as king or a scholar, but to me, he surely is as handsome as anything!
I had so much fun doing it. I kind of love performing, but get super nervous when I have to. Thankfully we were lip synching, so no one had to hear the nervous voice crack that would inevitably come out of my mouth.
Luckily, I didn't need a Yente to find me my perfect match. He may not be as rich as king or a scholar, but to me, he surely is as handsome as anything!
We discovered that jazz hands can be used anytime. Really. Try it.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I Know There's An Answer
I know that my Heavenly Father hears me when I pray. I know it. I know that He does answer prayers. Sometimes the answer isn't what I want. Sometimes I have to really pay attention to find the answer. Sometimes the answer is "no". Sometimes the answer is "not now". And sometimes the answer is nearly instantaneous with a ring of the doorbell. True story.
I love that I can pray to a loving Heavenly Father that listens to me.
I love that I can pray to a loving Heavenly Father that listens to me.
"Pray, He is there. Speak, He is listening."
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Winning Days
The NHL playoffs started last week, and as a family we are having our second annual hockey pool! It's pretty exciting. I love playoff season. I am not a big hockey fan, but come playoff season, I can get into it (but not as much as basketball). For the last three days, my team has been in first place! I think it's because it is mine and Justin's team, so he serves as good luck for us. Also, I named it "California Dreamin'", and I picked a player that no one else did, and he's had a good week! I know my sister, who is an avid hockey fan is not to thrilled with the results, but this is all about luck -- especially since my dad (who I'm pretty sure watches less hockey than me) won the title and bragging rights last year.
Don't worry, Marni. I'm sure my reign at the top will be over today.

Don't worry, Marni. I'm sure my reign at the top will be over today.
Thank you Sid the Kid for being my top scorer! A win would be fabulous tonight!
Oh, and by the way, Happy Earth Day, friends!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I Found Love
I found it! I found it! I found it!
While unpacking stock at work this morning, I found my little black dress. It is perfect! I love it! I'm pretty certain it was made for me. Some days I really love my job. Being paid to shop? Yes, please!

While unpacking stock at work this morning, I found my little black dress. It is perfect! I love it! I'm pretty certain it was made for me. Some days I really love my job. Being paid to shop? Yes, please!
ps: Don't worry, I will post a picture soon.
Monday, April 19, 2010
A (semi) healthy treat
These blueberry and granola topped cupcakes look so delicious. They are on my list of cupcakes to try. Plus, they have granola and fruit! So, it's like a healthy cupcake. Right?

Thank you Cupcakes Take the Cake for making my mouth water a little bit with envy every day.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Numbered Days
Today is a very special day. Yes, being the Sabbath day makes it special, but there is something else that magnifies that significance. Remember a while ago, when we hit 100 days of Justin's mission? Well, that time has come again! We now have another hundred days behind us! I have survived 200 days! We are getting closer and closer. I am still feeling like seventeen and a half months is an overwhelmingly long time, but I am certainly feeling the time go by. Now, I just need to find something to keep myself busy so that the time will fly!
Only five more chunks of a hundred days (plus a bit), and I have a shoulder to rest my head on again.
post script: Thank you, friends for being such a great support these past six months. I know I have not been the easiest person to deal with (or live with -- thanks mom and dad!).
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Strike a Pose!
As promised (just over an hour ago), here are some pictures (courtesy of Candi) from last night.
With my glasses and suspenders, I felt a little bit like a white-girl version of Erkel. It didn't help that the photographer later on told me that my glasses were "hideous" (which he quickly changed to "so hideous they are awesome". Right).
Just before we left the dance after some hours of dancing. If you look at each picture, my pose is almost exactly the same. Looks like I have a signature pose!
Dance, dance, dance
Now, picture this. Shoulder pads. Suspenders. Bold pink glasses. Spice Girls. 90's dance mixes. Sounds like a fun time, yes? Yes.
As I mentioned, last night was the much anticipated end-of-semester awards and dance. I went with my best girl friends, and we had a blast (well, I did. I hope you did too!). Ah, dance parties. Love it.
As I mentioned, last night was the much anticipated end-of-semester awards and dance. I went with my best girl friends, and we had a blast (well, I did. I hope you did too!). Ah, dance parties. Love it.
My fashion inspiration (along with Full House and Friends).
Saved by the Bell. What's not to love?
ps. I will post pictures when I get copies! I promise you will not be disappointed!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Summer dresses
I really, really need a new dress this summer and have been searching high and low. So, I need some input, friends. Where do you shop for the dress (or any outfit, really)? Do you go vintage? If so, where?! I need to find some new spots.
Also, I have been toying with the idea of making a dress. Any tips?
Also, I have been toying with the idea of making a dress. Any tips?
This pretty dress from Jigsaw would be perfect.
But, the £160+ is a little out of my price range.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
"...like it's 1999"
On Friday, for the end-of-semester YSA activity, there will be a '90s themed activity and dance. I am crossing my fingers that I don't have to work late (I am on call), so that I can go with Candi and Chantelle. I have been trying to decide all day what to wear, and I think I have it figured out.
It's funny that even though I grew up in the 1990s, I forgot what the fashion was at the time. A few google image searches and flashbacks to Full House, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Clueless, Saved by the Bell, and Friends (the list goes on and on) and I felt like I was there again. Ah, to be young again!

It's funny that even though I grew up in the 1990s, I forgot what the fashion was at the time. A few google image searches and flashbacks to Full House, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Clueless, Saved by the Bell, and Friends (the list goes on and on) and I felt like I was there again. Ah, to be young again!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Wait Until Dark (and Glee)
This afternoon, Candi and Chantelle came over for a movie day. For months, Candi and I have been meaning to watch Wait Until Dark, but didn't actually go through with it until today. It was a really good movie (of course, it's Audrey Hepburn!), but I didn't expect to scream or jump like I did. Warning to any who have not yet seen it, maybe watch it with a significant other or potential significant other so you can hold their hand during the tense scenes. It was a very good movie though. I will watch it again (happy that I know what happens now). Now I can check off another Audrey movie off my list.
Also, tonight was the first episode of Glee after a four-month hiatus! I have missed that show so much! Candi and I decided we needed to watch it together, so we had a little Glee party at her house tonight, which I enjoyed thoroughly. That show definitely makes my heart happy.
Monday, April 12, 2010
We Don't Need to Whisper
Right now, about twenty minutes from where I am sitting Tom Delonge is singing. Singing his pretty-boy heart out. Angels & Airwaves are playing at Mac Hall tonight. I am so sad that I don't get to be there. Before Justin left, I told him I probably wouldn't go to concerts while he was gone. Since we started dating, we have been to four concerts (I think that's right. I may be missing one), and it was always a special thing. There are certain bands I will not see without Justin, Angels & Airwaves being one of them. And Muse (who came a few weeks ago). Seriously, people! Why do you choose to come to Calgary when I won't go! Not fair. Also, I just found out that Thrice and Kevin Devine will be coming in June! I really want to go, and I would be okay going without Justin, but it would still not be as good going without him -- or at least just very different. I know that sounds silly, but it is the truth.

Single Ladies (and a married one too)
Have you taken a trip with friends? A road trip with your best girl friends? If the answer is no, then you certainly do not know what you are missing!
Since the Institute Choir was doing a joint concert with the Edmonton choir on Saturday, my sister, my good friends Candi and Chantelle and I decided to head up the night before. From driving up, to getting donuts at the Donut Mill to car singing and dancing to shoe shopping to bed jumping and elevator racing it was one of the best weekends I have had in a really long time.
Since the Institute Choir was doing a joint concert with the Edmonton choir on Saturday, my sister, my good friends Candi and Chantelle and I decided to head up the night before. From driving up, to getting donuts at the Donut Mill to car singing and dancing to shoe shopping to bed jumping and elevator racing it was one of the best weekends I have had in a really long time.
Candi and Chantelle. Dinner at Fargo's (I love that place!)
Chantelle, David and Marni. My brother, David joined us for dinner.
He was not having the smiling thing.
The whole group (minus Candi). Not a good picture, I know. But it's the only one I have.
Candi and me after our very successful shopping trip.
I'm sporting one of my favourite purchases of the day.
Chantelle trying them on. They definitely work for her!
Thank you, ladies! I believe a repeat is in our near future!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I feel like such a slacker. I haven't been able to post since Wednesday! Apologies. (But absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?)
I am much too tired to write a full post (or at least a coherent one), so I will leave you with a few hints of what will come tomorrow.
I am much too tired to write a full post (or at least a coherent one), so I will leave you with a few hints of what will come tomorrow.
- road trip!
- donuts
- shopping
- singing
- bed jumping
- elevator racing
- hours and hours of laughter
And I will leave you with this teaser photo.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Every woman needs her LBD (little black dress). I am on the hunt for one, so I thought I'd share some of my finds.
Left to right: Shabby Apple, Shade Clothing, eShakti
Friends, what do you think? Which would you choose for me? Or for yourself?
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Missionary update
Another six weeks have come and gone. Transfers for Justin's mission was yesterday. Justin is still in Yucaipa (which he is very happy about), but is now in the 5th ward rather than 3rd and 5th ward. He also has a new companion -- Elder Casan who is from Virginia and has been out just six weeks longer than Justin. He no longer has a car, so he will have to use his bike more often (which I think he is happy about -- though the warmer days are fast approaching in So Cal). Overall, he is pretty happy with the changes though he will miss the members of the 3rd ward.
I am so excited for him! He is doing so well, and really enjoying it -- which makes it easier on me (as much as it can).
I am so excited for him! He is doing so well, and really enjoying it -- which makes it easier on me (as much as it can).
Justin (the cutie with the glasses) and Elder Lloyd hanging out in between Conference sessions on Sunday. He looks pretty good in a suit, doesn't he?
Monday, April 05, 2010
The final game of March Madness was tonight. It was such a fun night. Friends, family, cupcakes and basketball. Good night! It was such an intense game (which I was happy about), and both teams played so well. In the end, Duke took the title. Do you want to know a secret? I was cheering for them. Well, I was cheering for both teams. (Buttlicker!) But, I was kind of happy Duke won. It may seem odd that I am saying this as if I should be ashamed -- but with my upbringing -- go Kentucky, boo Duke! -- I feel like I am going against what I have been taught. But, I am okay with that. It's okay for me to choose my own teams. But, I did feel really bad for Butler, I did want those guys to win. They were the underdog, and it's always nice to see an underdog get their turn at the title. Maybe next year, boys! (Except I am hoping UConn will be able to pull off a championship win next year. Fingers crossed)

Goodbye March Madness. You have been good to me this year (for the most part). So long for now, friend.
Sunday, April 04, 2010
I Turn My Camera On
I'm thinking of changing my career path. Seriously. I have found my calling. I am going to be a model. On Thursday, I mentioned that my brother would be doing a photo shoot with Candi and me. It was so much fun. Even though it was a little chilly, and I left my bag and jacket at one of the locations (which was still there when we went back for it. An answer to prayer), it was so much fun. David took a lot of pictures, as always, but here are a few of my favourites. Enjoy.
Pretty girl. Even when she's spinning and laughing, she manages to take a good one.
Which is your favourite?
Happy Easter, friends! I hope you enjoyed General Conference this weekend! I know I really did. I needed that spiritual boost and push to be a better person.
ps. the reason I didn't post yesterday is because David had me up late looking at pictures. Also, I worked. And, there was a basketball game on. Maybe I need to give up on trying to post every day?
Friday, April 02, 2010
Tick Tick Boom!
Have a mentioned before how much I love Ms. Audrey Hepburn? If you are unable to recall, let me just briefly say how much I love her. Amazing woman. Love her. Adore her.
And, I love ModCloth too, especially since they carry this darling pocket watch necklace. A must-have for sure. Perhaps I will have to order this sometime this summer.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Good Day
Another busy, busy day. And, unfortunately it had to start at 5:45 this morning. Not fun. Yes it was busy, but some good things came out of it.
number one: I had a midterm in Art History today (hence the 5:45 am start this morning). You may wonder why I say this was a good thing. It was a good thing because since I am done this one, I have one left! That is something to celebrate.
number two: The missionaries cancelled their lesson with me this morning. Again, sounds silly to count this as a good thing, I know. But, because they had to alter plans, I had a chance to have a long work out this morning which was much needed! Also, I was able to catch up on my shows of the week. I have missed Jeopardy all week because of work. It was good to have my Trebek fix.
number three: My brother is in town, and because he wants to take pictures (as always), he is doing a photo shoot for Candi and I tomorrow. I think we'll make pretty stellar models.
And for your viewing pleasure, here is a picture from my sister's wedding. David was our wonderful photographer. Even though it was freezing (in October!), he still managed to make us smile and almost forget that our fingers were close to falling off. Now that is talent!

number one: I had a midterm in Art History today (hence the 5:45 am start this morning). You may wonder why I say this was a good thing. It was a good thing because since I am done this one, I have one left! That is something to celebrate.
number two: The missionaries cancelled their lesson with me this morning. Again, sounds silly to count this as a good thing, I know. But, because they had to alter plans, I had a chance to have a long work out this morning which was much needed! Also, I was able to catch up on my shows of the week. I have missed Jeopardy all week because of work. It was good to have my Trebek fix.
number three: My brother is in town, and because he wants to take pictures (as always), he is doing a photo shoot for Candi and I tomorrow. I think we'll make pretty stellar models.
And for your viewing pleasure, here is a picture from my sister's wedding. David was our wonderful photographer. Even though it was freezing (in October!), he still managed to make us smile and almost forget that our fingers were close to falling off. Now that is talent!
By the way, happy April, friends! Hope you didn't fall for too many pranks today!
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