I started training to be a Senior Sales Associate this week. Exciting. I'm just happy because it means I can now open (or close) the store - all by my lonesome. Being in the store, early in the morning, lights off, quiet. It's fantastic. Then the customer's come. Sometimes I wish I could keep the doors locked.
Also, today, I got a haircut. I love getting my haircut. I have had a terrible hair week. So, yesterday, I decided that it was an absolute must that I get my hair cut so I could deal with it. I love it. I'm so happy that I'm at the age now where I can have shorter hair (a few inches above the shoulders - perfect for summer!) and I don't look like I'm fifteen -- because that's not good. The sound of sharp scissors cutting off my dead ends is a beautiful sound. I love it.
And, also. I found a wonderful shade of nail polish. For the longest time, I've been looking for a really dark shade of purple or brown that looks almost black, but isn't. So, by chance, the other day, I found it. It was destiny. I am in love.

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