Last year, we got passes, so that we could go every night, but this year we were only able to pick one night to go. We chose to go the night of the USA fireworks. And we were definitely not disappointed! We got to the park later than we normally would, and it was packed! But, thankfully we were able to find a decent spot to await the light show. My dear husband was kind enough to go wait in line for mini donuts (my favourite part, besides the actual fireworks), while I watched our blanket. While we waited for the fireworks to start, we watched some episodes of Spider-Man (yep, the good ol' 1994 version we grew up watching), and tried our best to ignore the never-ending speeches that no one actually listens too -- seriously! can you not just say "thanks everybody who helped"?
I love fireworks, especially when they are choreographed with music. I am always so amazed at what they can do. I get completely lost in them, amazed by colours and sounds. And, to add to that, is the perfection of being snuggled next to the love of your life. Really, watching fireworks is the perfect way to fall in love (because, really I am continually falling in love, every day).
We're excited to go again next year. It looks like we already have a family tradition!
Mini donuts, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
Seriously, the show was spectacular.