Thursday, June 30, 2011

May leftovers

Now that it's almost July, I figure it's probably time to post some pictures from May. I only put these pictures on my computer last week (and snagged some from Chantelle), so that would be the reason for the delay.
May was a blur. Not too much happened, but enough to keep me happy.
Enjoy the next few pictures. 

For potluck FHE, we had a Cinco de Mayo theme, so I made Churro cupcakes.  I love trying new things -- especially when we're talking about cupcakes. 

At the end of May, there was a YSA dance. It was a black light dance and it was actually pretty sweet -- except for the fact that it was really hard to see people. At least I always knew where Candi, Chantelle and Megan were thanks to their bright shirts.

When we came home from the dance that night, things got a little silly. You want a glow stick moustache too, don't you?

I also went with some friends to Drumheller. After a week of rain, we enjoyed a lovely day full of sunshine (and wind too). Hoodoos, mini chapels, dinosaurs. It was great. Also, I got to choose the music, so yeah it was awesome.

There you have it. I promise to be more diligent in my blogging efforts the rest of this summer. I've actually missed it quite a bit. Plus, I have a few good adventures ahead of me that will need to published. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday Wisdom

If I can offer one piece of advice today (or really this month) it is this: don't be too disappointed or worry too much when your plans don't work out the way you hoped or expected. Things will work out in one  way or another.
I love to plan. I love to have a clear view of where I am headed. And lately, that once clear vision that I had is pretty hazy. And I am learning that that is okay. It's okay not to know. Sometimes -- most of the time, actually -- you just need faith.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Baby shower

As I have mentioned a few times before, my sister is pregnant with her first child (my first nephew) and is due later this summer (in about seven weeks). This is of course another excuse for me to plan a party. So, that's what I did. On Saturday, I had a baby shower for Marni. This one was for close friends, and I am planning on having another one for family after the little guy is born.
Despite my lack of planning (don't ever plan a party while moving!) and my original vision not coming to life, it was a good time. We had good food, had many laughs and ''oooed and awwed" at the adorable presents Marni got. Seriously, this little boy is extremely well loved.

A plethora of presents!

More presents!


So excited for my little Lem to come!

The momma to be! Yep, she's definitely pregnant! 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

"They say it's your birthday..."

Hello, friends. It has been far, far too long.
A lot has happened in the past few weeks. However, I will not bore you with all of the sordid details of my life -- plus, I don't want to.
So, let's start with the fun stuff.
Last week, I had my birthday. I am now twenty-two, which feels much more grown-up than twenty-one.
I had a pretty fabulous birthday. I was kidnapped, taking to Montana's against my will, had a birthday mango (I think we should start a new tradition, mom) and felt a lot of the birthday love.
I'll let the pictures do the talking now.

After an eight hour shift of work and being kidnapped before I could go home to change and fix my hair. I love my roommates -- really, I actually do. 

Chris, me and Megan. Chantelle and Candi were there too, but they were on the other side.

Chantelle's apology ice cream from our sever Jeff. He wasn't very good.  But, he did enjoy talking to us --- A LOT.

Oh, if only big moose horns were in style...

My reaction when they gave me their present -- two tickets to see Wicked!

This is the only picture I took on my actual birthday -- Chris' attempt at cutting my birthday mango. 

And there you have it folks. I didn't die. I am very much alive, and even one year  older. I promise more posts will come shortly. 

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Tunes for Thursday

I missed it on Tuesday, but still had some music to share, so Thursday it is! This week, it's all about musicals. I love musicals. A lot. Last night falling asleep, and this morning getting ready for work, I listened to some of my favourite songs from movies. It definitely gives me sweeter dreams (though I don't remember.. sure they were sweet though), and a better attitude towards working.

1. "Put On Your Sunday Clothes", Hello Dolly
2. "Loverly", My Fair Lady
3. "Something Good", The Sound of Music
4. "All I Ask of You", The Phantom of the Opera
5. "So They Say", Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog
6. "I Have Confidence", The Sound of Music
7. "'S Wonderful", Funny Face
8. "Matchmaker", Fiddler on the Roof
9. "Don't Rain on My Parade", Funny Girl
10. "Welcome to the 60's", Hairspray
11. "Seasons of Love", Rent
12. "You're the One that I Want", Grease
13. "Jolly Holiday", Mary Poppins
14. "Music of the Night", Phantom of the Opera
15. "Jet Song", West Side Story

Let's face it, musicals are the best. If you don't share that opinion, we're probably not friends (or should now end or friendship) and I'm sorry for you. Seriously, musicals will enrich your life!

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Moved in

I am moved in, but still not yet completely unpacked. But, my bed is set up, which is all that matters to me right now. I still have a lot to get used to, but I really love living here. I love my roommates. Seriously. Fits of giggles before roommate prayer tonight. I love these girls.
I promise to post pictures once I unpack my camera.

Saturday, June 04, 2011


Dear gala apple that I just devoured,
I appreciate that you were super tasty and satisfied my need to eat, while not being one of those mean things that are 'a moment on the lips, forever on the hips'. Yes, you were extremely yummy and juicy. But did you really have to spill onto my notes for my lesson tomorrow?
Kristi Beth

Note to self: wear a catch-all bib the next time I eat an apple.