Thursday, March 31, 2011


I am a dreamer (...but I'm not the only one). I have just had an epiphany of sorts, and have a new segment for my blog. My dreams. Not as in what happens in my brain during REM sleep, but what I long and wish for in life, things I want to accomplish or would just love the opportunity to do.
And as I am laying her in bed, browsing through Anthropologie's unique door handles and knobs, I was reminded of a dream of mine. I would love to have a B&B. This dream may have grown since watching the last few seasons of Gilmore Girls, where Lorelai and Sookie open the Dragonfly, but it actually started before that. I remember watching a commercial (I don't recall what it was for -- shocker), and the people in the commercial talked about their B&B. I remember one scene where the owner was making the bed. Maybe it appealed to me because I like cleaning clean spaces (void of clutter), or because they then made pancakes and I love pancakes. But, the idea of opening a home of sorts, making it my own and inviting others to come and have sleepovers all the time -- awesome, right?

One Year, Six Months

Yesterday, we reached a huge milestone! Justin has been on his mission for eighteen months! It just boggles my mind that he has been gone that long! But also that it still feels like he has been gone for five years. It hasn't been getting easier (it's actually becoming harder in some ways), but I find that I am dealing with it much better than I was a year ago -- or maybe just differently?
Anyhow. Justin is home is six months! That's right. Six months! Suffice it to say I'm slightly anxious about his homecoming!

I feel like this shows how I feel right now. AHHH!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thoughts for Tuesday

This morning, I woke up at least three times before I actually made myself get out of bed. Exhaustion and fatigue have plagued my body lately. This may be partly due to the extreme lack of sleep I experienced over the weekend, or because of my lack of motivation in life that I have been experiencing these past few months (I am still trying to figure that out).
Anyhow, on my way to class this afternoon, I was barely able to stay awake, and had difficulty focusing while I was meeting with my group for our project due in a few weeks. My group mates talked about things that didn't matter to me, were not relevant to my life. They talked about drinking Red Bull, and how they need it to write papers. I didn't join in on this part of the conversation because a) I don't drink Red Bull, and never have and b) I didn't feel like I was even part of the conversation.
Now, let's get to the point. After class, I had some extra time before my last class (Romantic Lit.) and as I felt my body dragging, I really wanted to just go home and sleep or just do nothing. But, I stopped at Jugo Juice, got a delicious mango smoothie and walked back to class, but this time I walked outside rather than just through the building. Sunshine and fruit are my energy drink. I am so happy to see sunshine today and really hope that spring can stay, because I need it to. I need sunshine in my life.
Now friends, do your spirit a favour. Eat some fruit, and catch some sun rays. I can guarantee it will lift them a little, or a lot.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Sometimes I like to glance at wedding stuff. Okay, maybe it's a little more than a glance.... More like I can browse wedding ideas and decor for hours and hours.
Anyhow. One of my favourite sites right now is They have amazing and unique wedding invitations that are to die for!
Today, I found this one. And just love it! Seriously, smitten.

Amazing, right?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Two things you may or may not know about me.
One: I can play the bass guitar (though I haven't played in probably three years. Sorry, Sebastian).
Two: I have a deep, deep love for Mark Hoppus. I believe he was my first musician crush.
So, you can probably (though maybe not) imagine my slight (or a little more than slight) excitement when I found this lovely. I'm pretty sure I need this.

Now they just need to make a pink one. I so love Mark's pink bass. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So She Dances

When I came home today, I was not feeling great. My socks were wet. I was mad at the snow. I was hungry. Disappointed that the mailman showed me no love today.
So, I immediately took off my gross socks (seriously, one of my biggest pet peeves), put on my favourite sweats and had a piece of carrot cake (leftover from my ward's Relief Society activity on Saturday). That helped to beat the winter-won't-leave-blues. But, the real cure? A dance party in my kitchen. Music so loud I was sure I'd get a complaint from my neighbours.
Really, there are few things better than dancing just because you love the music. Definitely a great mood booster, and a way to shed a few calories too (especially because I have just over six months until you know who is home!).

Bueller... Bueller...

I have a deep, deep love for Ferris Bueller, so you can imagine how I felt a little rush of joy when I saw this post this morning. I so need this!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A boy?

Remember how I am going to be an auntie come August? Well, yesterday I found out that my sister is having a little boy! In August, I will have a nephew! From the time I found out that Marni was pregnant, I have been expecting it to be a little girl. I had many, many plans which included Audrey Hepburn movie marathons, dressing her up, buying her great baby books like Olivia, and just moulding her in my image. But now that I know that I will have a nephew, I have to change my outlook completely! I am so, so excited! But, it's still something to get used to and wrap my head around. With my nephew I can buy him awesome things like cute hats and little ties. He can tell me crazy stories (because let's face it -- little boys always have the best stories). I am just thrilled to be an auntie in almost four months. A new best friend is coming my way! 
I can't wait to dress the little guy up in rad clothes like this. Argyle is of course a must!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello, Good Friend

Do you hear that? That's the sound of sneakers on a gym floor, cheering crowds in stadiums, cheering in homes, heart rates going up second by second.
Friends, it's that wonderful time of year. Hello, March Madness!
I am so, so thrilled that my favourite team (UConn) and a few of my other favourites (Syracuse, BYU, Kentucky) are in the tournament this year, and so far doing well!

Monday, March 14, 2011

I don't know how I feel about this...

I know Hollywood loves a good remake, but I'm really not sure how I feel about it. I'm already iffy on the whole remake of "Footloose" (Kevin Bacon IS Ren. No substitute!), so to find out that "My Fair Lady" is supposedly also on the list of upcoming remakes... I don't know where I stand. Yes, Carey Mulligan is adorable and a good actress, but Audrey IS Eliza Doolittle. 
What are your thoughts?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Good Things to Come

I don't remember if I've shared this video before, but I need to share it today. Every time I see this one, I cry. It's just what I need. I hope it helps someone else today too.


Friday, March 11, 2011


I am in need of some ideas for quick, easy, healthy snacks. I don't do well when I go more than a few hours without eating, and sometimes my semi-long days at school or a missed break at work make it hard for me to eat regularly. I also need ideas for snacks in between meals when I'm at home, or when I get my late night sugar cravings.
I need new ideas! So, friends, please. Share some wisdom!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Changing to grow

Moments of inspiration often come from the least likely places. For example, an episode of "Full House". I was just watching an episode, and something that Vicky (Danny's girlfriend who takes over Becky's spot on "Wake Up, San Francisco!") said just clicked, and helped me figure out some things. She said, "Without change, we can't grow."
I am preparing to make some pretty big changes in my life, and I'm pretty scared. When I think about them in a idealized sense, I am excited, and can't wait. But then I realize that those changes are coming really quickly, and will affect a lot of things. I know that I need to make changes in my life, because I need to grow, and I need to prepare for even bigger things like being a wife and a mother. But, I'm still experiencing a little bit of trepidation about the whole thing. I needed the reminder that changes can be good, and without them I can't progress and become the person that I want to be. 
So thank you for the ''aha-moment'', "Full House". 

Wednesday, March 09, 2011


I mentioned that I made a stop at Anthropologie on the weekend. It was merely a gaze, really. But, I did find some lovely, lovely things and can't wait to go back when I actually have some cash in my pockets! One of my favourite items (besides this dress, which I have eyeing for a few weeks now), is this lovely apron. Every time I see it, I am overcome with a desire to curl my hair, put on my red lipstick and whip up a pie for my hubby. I so want to be a 50's mom.

I feel pretty just looking at it. Don't you? 
I need to make one for myself, because Candi 
reminded me that I can make my own for much, much less!

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Spring, are you there? It's me, Kristi.

I am really itching for spring and summer to be here. The snow is still on the ground (though today's -4 was  a step in the right direction!), and I am tired of being cold. I want to see green grass, and blue sky. I want to need hourly applications of SPF 50. I want to be on the university campus, shepherding my little EFY kiddos around. I want to have picnics, and lay out in the sun for hours. I want to wear sunglasses. I want to wear flip flops! I want to be holding my baby niece (or nephew). I just want it to be summer! Or spring, I would accept spring temperatures right now.
Besides all the good things I have to look forward to this summer, I am also craving warm weather so that I can sport some of the new lines from my favourite shops. Like Shabby Apple. Have you seen the new dresses? They are amazing! Seriously. I have been checking out their dresses religiously for over a year now, and have decided to take the plunge and purchase one this year! But there are so many to choose from! Like this one. And this one. And this one.  And this one. Oh, and this one too. And I am still super in love with this one.
Which would you choose?

Close this window
(my current favourite. Love the colour!)


I had a pretty great weekend, and a good start to the week so far. Rather than bore everybody with the long details (or let's face it -- for the sake my fingers), I will just touch on the most important bits that made me smile.

- Spending time at Chinook with the girls before "Battle of the Bands". Dear Anthropologie, I love you.
- Hanging out with my favourite kiddos, watching "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", and tickle fights with Jakey and Ty. 
- Going to the temple -- it always refreshes me.
- Games night times two.
- Another wonderful e-mail from my favourite missionary.
- Realizing that Justin only has five transfers left! 
- Cupcakes (topped with whipped cream and strawberries -- so healthy, right?!)
- Going to the gym! My body is pretty happy with me today.
- Eating a delicious -- seriously delicious -- spinach and chicken salad.
-Watching PVR'd episodes of "Big Bang Theory". Sheldon Cooper, I also love you. Bazinga!

What made you smile today?

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Addicted to Love

I've said it many, many times, but I really love being in love. I love knowing that someone that I care about is thinking about me, while I am also thinking about him. I love knowing that someone cares about me and knows what I need and is willing to do that for me. After a conversation with a good friend last night about how much the Apostles love their wives (Elder Holland's talks from the last few conferences just make my heart melt when he talks about his wife), and Lauren's post today have reminded me that love is grand. Love is just... no words. I am just so lucky. I'm pretty much addicted to being in love, and I will never give up the habit. I wish that everyone could know what it felt like to be in love, and be loved.

(only seven months until I can finally share some new pictures of me and my guy!)

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Cold as Ice

It is March and I am cold, cold, cold! It shouldn't be this cold now -- or ever, as far as I am concerned. In my mind, winter has its place in December, and that is about it. I can handle the -10 or -15 if I have to, but anything below that is too much -- especially with that awful wind chill. I keep hoping that maybe because heart resides in sunny California, my body will feel that warmth. Not luck yet.
Despite the gross weather, there were some good things that happened today.
a) Snail mail from my favourite missionary
b) Watching "Dr. Horrible" on my way to and from school
c) Reading 2 Nephi 4
And more. Life is good -- but cold.
Sun, please come out tomorrow and bring Spring with you! Please and thank you.