It's finally here. The event that I have been talking about for... nine months now? EFY. I guess I officially started today since I had my training this afternoon, and got my shirt (who picked the colours this year? Burnt orange?), my name tag, and lots of nerves. I get to meet my co-counselor tomorrow night and then the fun truly begins on Monday afternoon when I meet my group of girls. Even though the nerves are taking over right now, I'm pretty excited. I hope I remembered everything, and am prepared. We'll see.
So, since I will have my hands full for the next week or so, I will be taking a short hiatus. But, I promise to share everything when it's over.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sounds of Summer
I think the fact that I love music is well established. So, today, I have decided to share a few of my favourites this summer. These are the songs I have had playing in my head before I go to sleep, the ones I sing in the shower, the ones I have rediscovered, the ones that make my legs run.
1. "At Or With Me", Jack Johnson
2. "Miles Davis & The Cool", The Gaslight Anthem
3. "If It Kills Me", Jason Mraz
4. "Brooklyn Boy", Kevin Devine
5. "Piazza, New York Catcher", Belle & Sebastian
6. "All You Ever Wanted", The Black Keys
7. "Going Away to College", blink-182
8. "Against the Grain", City and Colour
9. "The Way You Look Tonight", Ella Fitzgerald (AMAZING!)
10. "There is a Light That Never Goes Out", The Smiths
11. "I Woke Up in a Car", Something Corporate
12. "Ten Ton Shoes", Straylight Run
13. "Hanging On the Telephone", Blondie
14. "The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot", Brand New
15. "Blueside", Rooney
16. "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?", She & Him
17. "Cue the Sun!", Daphne Loves Derby
18. "Fireflies", Owl City
19. "The Window's Peak", Dashboard Confessional
20. "Faithfully", Glee Cast (Journey cover)
21. "Cath...", Death Cab for Cutie
22. "So Says I", The Shins
23. "This is For Real", Motion City Soundtrack
24. "Addicted to Love", Florence + The Machine (Robert Palmer cover)
25. "Suffragette City", David Bowie
Happy listening, friends.
ps. EFY starts in FOUR days! Eek!
1. "At Or With Me", Jack Johnson
2. "Miles Davis & The Cool", The Gaslight Anthem
3. "If It Kills Me", Jason Mraz
4. "Brooklyn Boy", Kevin Devine
5. "Piazza, New York Catcher", Belle & Sebastian
6. "All You Ever Wanted", The Black Keys
7. "Going Away to College", blink-182
8. "Against the Grain", City and Colour
9. "The Way You Look Tonight", Ella Fitzgerald (AMAZING!)
10. "There is a Light That Never Goes Out", The Smiths
11. "I Woke Up in a Car", Something Corporate
12. "Ten Ton Shoes", Straylight Run
13. "Hanging On the Telephone", Blondie
14. "The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot", Brand New
15. "Blueside", Rooney
16. "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?", She & Him
17. "Cue the Sun!", Daphne Loves Derby
18. "Fireflies", Owl City
19. "The Window's Peak", Dashboard Confessional
20. "Faithfully", Glee Cast (Journey cover)
21. "Cath...", Death Cab for Cutie
22. "So Says I", The Shins
23. "This is For Real", Motion City Soundtrack
24. "Addicted to Love", Florence + The Machine (Robert Palmer cover)
25. "Suffragette City", David Bowie
Happy listening, friends.
ps. EFY starts in FOUR days! Eek!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Summer Skin
I love lotion. A lot. My skin tends to be dry most of the time, so I always have loads of lotion to combat. Over the past year, I decided not to purchase any more however, because I needed to lighten my stash before I added to it. So, now with only a tinsy bit left, I decided this week that it was time to stock up again. Luckily, Marni was willing to take me to Market Mall tonight so we could have a little sister time while I purchased a few of my favourites at Bath and Body Works. I am so glad mom got me hooked on this stuff a few years ago. 
I love, love, love the "Summer Vanilla" line. So wonderful. Vanilla plus lemon. Two of my very favourite scents. I will most likely be smelling my hands all day for the next month.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Guess what, friends? Today, I have officially reached 300 days since my missionary entered the MTC way back when in September! Sometimes it feels like it has been that long (and longer!) and others it feels like it has actually gone by quite quickly. I am pretty excited that in two months, we will reach one year! I have been waiting for that moment for... well, a year! I can't wait! I feel like every day I am realizing more and more how much I love Justin, and that it is completely possible for me to still be here at the end of these two years. It has not been easy, but as evidenced in the letter I got from my extremely mature and sweet missionary today, it is worth it!
The next 430 days, I hereby give you permission to go at lightning speed, if you so wish.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Since I was in Magrath all weekend with no internet, I was unable to post a happy birthday to Justin on his birthday. So, here it is a little belated.
Justin's birthday was the 24th (Saturday). He is now twenty! I always tend to forget that he's a year younger than me. Most of the time I just think we're the same age, or that he's older than me (because he is definitely more mature than me). I am really sad that I couldn't be with him on his birthday, but I told him that I will make up for that on his twenty-second birthday (I think the summer of 2012 will be our best yet!).
Justin's birthday was the 24th (Saturday). He is now twenty! I always tend to forget that he's a year younger than me. Most of the time I just think we're the same age, or that he's older than me (because he is definitely more mature than me). I am really sad that I couldn't be with him on his birthday, but I told him that I will make up for that on his twenty-second birthday (I think the summer of 2012 will be our best yet!).
Happy birthday, Justin! I love you!
ps: we will reach ten months on Friday! Wahoo!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The '59 Sound
I love, love, love going to concerts. There is something about standing there, listening to a band play live that just warms my soul. Maybe it's the collective experience of it, or the true sincerity of a live show. Whatever it is, I love it. But, due to a lack of funds, and my concert buddy being in California, I haven't been able to go to a show since last summer.
But, last night when I found out that a new favourite band of mine, The Gaslight Anthem, will be in town in September, I knew that I had to go! So, I immediately told my good friend, Chantelle, and we are going! I can't wait!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Ideas, please!
I start EFY in just less than two weeks! Eek! I am pretty excited, but really nervous too! I will be working both weeks (first and second weeks of August). Oh boy! I know that it's a lot, but I am way excited!
So, friends, I need advice! Whether you have been a counselor or just a participant, I want your ideas. What can I do to make this a good experience for me and for my groups that I will be looking after?
So, friends, I need advice! Whether you have been a counselor or just a participant, I want your ideas. What can I do to make this a good experience for me and for my groups that I will be looking after?
Part of my group my last year of EFY (as a participant). Three years ago.
Finally! I am now officially registered for my fall courses (that start in less than two months!). I was able to register last month, but because the department of Psychology puts a blocker on their courses so that non-majors aren't able to register until a certain time, I had to wait until today. So, now I just (im)patiently waiting for September 14th so that I start some learnin'!
So, my classes for this next term will be (if I don't make any last minute changes):

So, my classes for this next term will be (if I don't make any last minute changes):
- English Literature of the Romantic Period: Revolution (writers such as William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Blake. Some of my favourites!)
- Elizabethan Poetry and Prose (writers including Edmund Spenser and William Shakespeare).
- History of Early Modern Britain (covering the time between 1461 and 1714).
- Sensation and Perception (this will cover the psychological and physiological basis of sensory and perceptual processes).
So, it will be a good, though full, semester. I am definitely looking forward to it!
This will be me until December. Nose in the book. I can't wait!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
On the Run
On Saturday, I competed in my very first 5K race (in support of FASD). Luckily, a very good friend of mine, Megan, came along with me and enjoyed it together. I had difficulty with it because of a very intense cramp that started about halfway through (which was weird, because I usually don't get cramps while running -- maybe it was the nerves?), but I was determined to continue and run the entire way (I would have been pretty upset with myself if I hadn't). So, I did. I was expecting to finish within forty-four minutes (that was the length of stellar playlist), so I was completely surprised when I got to the finish line at thirty-six and a half minutes. And that feeling that I got as I crossed that finish line was amazing! Amazing! I really felt like I had accomplished something, plus that runners high was pretty good too.
I know that for some, running a 5K is not a big deal at all, but it was for me. It was a big deal for a few reasons. For one, during my high school years, I struggled with my weight a lot and lost interest in running (which I did casually in junior high) so much so that when I would try to go running, I could barely make it around the block. So, now being about twenty(ish) pounds lighter than I was three years ago, that race meant a lot to me. To me, it symbolizes my new found love of my (mostly) healthy lifestyle. And, it was a good experience for me to show myself that once again, I can do hard things!
I am looking forward to doing at least two more races this year (one on August 28, anyone want to join?) and continue next year, possibly working toward a 10K for next summer. I love that my legs let me run!

I know that for some, running a 5K is not a big deal at all, but it was for me. It was a big deal for a few reasons. For one, during my high school years, I struggled with my weight a lot and lost interest in running (which I did casually in junior high) so much so that when I would try to go running, I could barely make it around the block. So, now being about twenty(ish) pounds lighter than I was three years ago, that race meant a lot to me. To me, it symbolizes my new found love of my (mostly) healthy lifestyle. And, it was a good experience for me to show myself that once again, I can do hard things!
I am looking forward to doing at least two more races this year (one on August 28, anyone want to join?) and continue next year, possibly working toward a 10K for next summer. I love that my legs let me run!
Megan and I (at Crescent Road) before the race, and the dog that belonged to the nice lady who took our picture.
Posing with Megan, and her brother and his girlfriend. No post-shots this time. (No one needs to see that).
So, who wants to join me on August 28?
Twenties Girl
In my last post, I mentioned that I had been reading Kinsella's newest novel, Twenties Girl. Yet again, I found a best friend in book form. I am in love with this book. I laughed, I "aww"ed, I even came close to tears. Kinsella has such a talent for creating amazingly vivid characters who I either want to be, or have them be my best friend. Lara Lington was no exception.
It has been a really long time since I have sat down with a book for hours, and with this one I did that last night polishing off the last few hundred pages into the wee hours.
Also, I had the great desire to find myself a flapper dress, some beads, a cloche hat and do the Charleston. Yep, I loved this one.

It has been a really long time since I have sat down with a book for hours, and with this one I did that last night polishing off the last few hundred pages into the wee hours.
Also, I had the great desire to find myself a flapper dress, some beads, a cloche hat and do the Charleston. Yep, I loved this one.
Now, I am just counting the days until I can read Mini-Shopaholic!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Slurpee dates
I have mentioned before that I really miss going on dates with Justin. We had so much fun, no matter what we did. We never went on super expensive dates (because he was saving for his mission, and I am a poor student), but every moment we spent together was wonderful. Today I am thinking about and missing our slurpee dates. It all started the summer that he graduated high school, and since then it had become a lovely tradition that when the heat became a little too much to bear (or I was just getting a craving) we would have a slurpee date. Oh, how I miss those days and long for them again!
439 days. 439 days. 439 days.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Golden Years
Nine hundred and twelve days. Thirty months. Two years and six months.
Today, Justin and I are celebrating two and a half wonderful years together. When we met three years ago, I never imagined that we would end up together or that I could be this happy. True, we are not in the same country today, but I still feel that we are celebrating together, because my heart is always with him.
Two years ago on our six months anniversary. Just a couple of kids in love.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Postal Service
I think that Canada Post needs to begin a type of "frequent mailers" program. It would definitely help me out, since they seem to be taking a lot of my money. I sent a package for Justin's birthday this morning and had a mini disagreement with an employee about how much it should cost, and how long it would take. Really, Canada Post? Why do you feel the need to take away my money?

The only reason I don't completely despise the mail system is the letter that they brought me today. This is definitely a love/hate relationship that we have.
Friday, July 09, 2010
Story time
It's that time again, friends!
I think tonight, I need to share the story of the day I realized I loved Justin Marshall.
It was sometime in March of 2008, and I was really enjoying my time with Justin. We had been dating officially dating for nearly two months and things were going better than I could have every expected. I already knew that Justin loved me and I knew that I could love him, but I wasn't there yet. There were many moments throughout those two months that I knew it was coming closer and closer, but that "aha moment" did not come until one morning while I was on my way to class. After work that morning, I was on the train to school when I got a text from Justin informing me that he had just hurt his knee pretty bad while playing soccer in his gym class (he was in grade twelve that year). So, anyhow. I still remember that feeling I got. The kind where my heart is bursting out of my chest while my stomach is spinning and spinning. At that moment, I wasn't sure how bad his injury was (it wasn't too bad), but I imagined that it was awful and I knew immediately that if I had a car, I would be on my way to Edmonton (man, long-distance dating sucks!). I knew in that moment that I was really falling in love with Justin.
Sorry for sappy stuff, friends. But, you'll just have to deal with it. I love the sap.
I think tonight, I need to share the story of the day I realized I loved Justin Marshall.
It was sometime in March of 2008, and I was really enjoying my time with Justin. We had been dating officially dating for nearly two months and things were going better than I could have every expected. I already knew that Justin loved me and I knew that I could love him, but I wasn't there yet. There were many moments throughout those two months that I knew it was coming closer and closer, but that "aha moment" did not come until one morning while I was on my way to class. After work that morning, I was on the train to school when I got a text from Justin informing me that he had just hurt his knee pretty bad while playing soccer in his gym class (he was in grade twelve that year). So, anyhow. I still remember that feeling I got. The kind where my heart is bursting out of my chest while my stomach is spinning and spinning. At that moment, I wasn't sure how bad his injury was (it wasn't too bad), but I imagined that it was awful and I knew immediately that if I had a car, I would be on my way to Edmonton (man, long-distance dating sucks!). I knew in that moment that I was really falling in love with Justin.
Sorry for sappy stuff, friends. But, you'll just have to deal with it. I love the sap.
Yep, still in love.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
This week
Oh, what a week it has been! On Sunday, mom and dad left for camp (Young Womens and Scout camps respectively). Rather than staying at home all alone (which I do love during the day), I decided to spend the week with my sister and brother-in-law, since James was leaving for the Scouts camp on Wednesday anyhow.
It's been a pretty good week. Monday, my brother David came down from Edmonton and we had a really fun night over at Chantelle and Candi's. Oh, the laughter! I'm not sure if I have laughed so much in one night, or played such a long game of "Phase 10". I have the best friends.
I have really enjoyed this week. I have had the opportunity to spend time with my siblings and cook more, which I love to do. Also, a bonus to staying with Marni and James is that they have a great bike path nearly across the street that has been perfect for running this week.
It's been a pretty good week. Monday, my brother David came down from Edmonton and we had a really fun night over at Chantelle and Candi's. Oh, the laughter! I'm not sure if I have laughed so much in one night, or played such a long game of "Phase 10". I have the best friends.
I have really enjoyed this week. I have had the opportunity to spend time with my siblings and cook more, which I love to do. Also, a bonus to staying with Marni and James is that they have a great bike path nearly across the street that has been perfect for running this week.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Bows and stripes
I am a huge fan of nautical inspired pieces. Mostly because they are so fresh and navy. I love navy. We're pretty much best friends.
Exhibit A: Navy. Stripes. Bows. Just a few of my favourite things together at last.

Exhibit A: Navy. Stripes. Bows. Just a few of my favourite things together at last.
Oh, ModCloth how I love you.
Remember way back in January when I was thrilled with the progress in hair growth? Well, it has continued. Apparently, I am doing something right. I am almost past the awkward medium between short and long hair.
See? It's actually a tiny bit longer than this though. This picture makes it look a little shorter.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Heart smiles
I have a really, really good life. And here are just a few things that made my heart smile this week:
1. Wearing my brand new hot pink pumps to church today. I would wear them every single day if I could. They're pretty amazing.
2. Running just over 5 km on Friday. As I have mentioned, I am planning to run my first 5K race next Saturday, but I have not had much luck with getting back in shape. Friday, that changed. Thank you legs for working!
3. Reading a very, very sweet letter from my dear missionary boyfriend. He is the best. The best.
4. Realizing that my hair is actually a lot longer than I had thought. I love my long hair.
5. Finding a super cute hat. With a bow. I love bows. (And it was on sale. Love!)
6. Finding a picture of Justin on facebook posted by a member from his last area, and a comment from another saying that he was a great missionary. I was definitely beaming with girlfriend pride.
1. Wearing my brand new hot pink pumps to church today. I would wear them every single day if I could. They're pretty amazing.
2. Running just over 5 km on Friday. As I have mentioned, I am planning to run my first 5K race next Saturday, but I have not had much luck with getting back in shape. Friday, that changed. Thank you legs for working!
3. Reading a very, very sweet letter from my dear missionary boyfriend. He is the best. The best.
4. Realizing that my hair is actually a lot longer than I had thought. I love my long hair.
5. Finding a super cute hat. With a bow. I love bows. (And it was on sale. Love!)
6. Finding a picture of Justin on facebook posted by a member from his last area, and a comment from another saying that he was a great missionary. I was definitely beaming with girlfriend pride.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
I don't have many words to share tonight, but I do want to share a picture. A moment. Love.
This is why (among other things) I am the luckiest girl alive. This is true love. "Love, twue love".
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