My heart is overflowing with memories today. Two years ago, probably around this time, my boyfriend Justin and I decided to be 'official' after three months of dating. Two years ago today, I decided that I wanted to keep this guy in my life, and spend as much time with him as I could. And, I am so thankful I did! I still remember that night. I remember after we decided that we'd be "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" that I found a post-it, and wrote: "January 17: I have a boyfriend!" I wanted to remember that day forever, because I knew that it would have a huge impact on my life -- and it has!
895 days ago, I met an amazing guy. I had no idea how that meeting would affect my life. And I'm still learning today. I don't know what tomorrow holds (or the next two years), but I know that if Justin is in my life, I'll be happy. I love this guy. I have been so, so blessed to have Justin next to me always (just in spirit these days). I can't wait to be in the arms of this wonderful man again (only 621 days). But until then, I'm living in his letters.
I love you, Justin.
Here we are on our first New Year's Eve. Just weeks before it became "official".
Thrilled to be celebrating six months in July 2008. Spending some time at Prince's Island and Crescent Road. How lucky am I?
Hallowe'en 2008. Clark Kent and Lois Lane. He will always be my Superman.
See why I love him so much? New Year's Eve 2008.
Spending our one year anniversary with Sam Roberts and The Stills. January 2009.
A spring day at our park and the temple. May 2009.
A fun-filled day at the zoo. September 2009.
Our last PM date (pre-mission). September 2009.
The last day that we spent together before he headed for sunny California. I love this guy!
And after all, you're my wonderwall.